Struggling With Regulating Blood Glucose Levels? Try Acupuncture Treatments

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine treatment in which the practitioner uses tiny needles to stimulate specific spots on your body to alleviate different health conditions. The practitioner may or may not be a trained medical doctor but has been trained in the use of acupuncture and is considered to be an alternative medical practitioner. One of the health conditions that can be helped with this treatment is diabetes, especially type II or insulin resistance. However, type I diabetics may receive some help managing the disease as well. Here are the ways acupuncture treatments can be beneficial to someone with diabetes.

Weight Loss

Extra body weight has been shown to increase the chance of diabetes type II. the added weight causes cells in the body to become resistant to insulin. They do not release glucose as well as they should, causing a rise in blood sugar. Acupuncture can increase your metabolism to help you lose weight. It can also restrict water retention and decrease your appetite. Losing weight will allow the cells to respond to insulin better, thereby reducing blood sugar levels.

Reduce Pain

One of the side effects of diabetes is a condition called diabetic neuropathy in which the nerves in the feet and other extremities cannot carry impulses properly. Quite often, a person with neuropathy will experience pain like pins and needles in the affected areas. This condition may keep you from feeling a cut or wound in the area that may become infected. If left alone, the infected part may need to be amputated. Acupuncture can stimulate the release of endorphins to ease the pain while also stimulating regeneration of the nerves so you will notice a wound and get it treated before it becomes infected.

Protect the Pancreas

The pancreas is responsible for producing insulin. If high blood sugar levels damage the islets of the pancreas, insulin production will be reduced. Acupuncture protects the pancreas so it is not damaged and can continue to produce and release insulin to help keep blood sugar levels in check.

If you or a loved one suffers from diabetes, consider having acupuncture treatments to help bring blood sugar levels back to normal. You should continue to follow your doctor's advice regarding medications until enough tests have been done that show you no longer need them. You may then be able to control things with diet and exercise as long as you monitor blood glucose and advise your doctor of any changes.
