Benefits You May Experience From An Indian Head Massage

If you're browsing the website of your local massage therapy clinic and notice a treatment called Indian head massage, you may wish to book a session with a practitioner who specializes in this ancient form of healing. You'll increasingly see this unique type of massage available at clinics today, and it offers a different experience than the standard massages you've been receiving. You may receive an Indian head massage either seated or lying down, and your therapist spends the entire appointment working on your head, neck, and shoulders. Here are some benefits you may receive if you get an Indian head massage.

Headache Relief

Many people turn to Indian head massage as a way to help their headaches. If you're someone who suffers from headaches chronically or just at specific times, you may wish to explore this form of massage. By stimulating numerous pressure points around your head, Indian head massage can help to improve your scalp's blood flow. This may alleviate some of the discomforts you've been experiencing. If you're looking for a way to deal with your headaches without the use of medication, given its side effects, this type of massage may be the answer.


You'll almost certainly find that you get deeply relaxed during your Indian head massage treatment. While many different forms of massage can be relaxing, this one can particularly help in this regard. Your massage therapist will often treat you with one or more essential oils, which they choose based on the oils' gentle and relaxing scents. Be sure to breathe deeply during your Indian head massage, as inhaling these pleasant aromas as the practitioner gently touches your head will help you to unwind and forget about the stresses of the day.

Thicker Hair

It's possible that your Indian head massage may help to give your hair a thicker appearance. There is some evidence that any type of massage of the scalp can be beneficial for hair thickness. If your hair is thinning and you're concerned about it, you may wish to book a series of regular Indian head massages and see if they help to improve the look of this part of your body. This may especially be something to explore if you have a condition such as alopecia. To learn more about Indian head massage and experience these and other healing benefits of this type of treatment, book a session at your local clinic.

For more information on massage therapy, contact a company near you.
