Massage Manners: What Your Therapist Wants You To Know

Even if you frequently receive massages, you may still have questions about how it all works. After all, etiquette for situations like these may seem confusing at first. This guide is here to help you avoid confusion and anxiety when you plan your next appointment.

Don't Worry About Shaving

If you have not been able to shave your legs, you do not need to apologize. Massage therapists are used to a variety of body types and hair arrangements, so the fact that you haven't shaved will not bother a professional.

At the same time, do make sure that you shower before a session. Not only will you smell pleasant, but your body will also do a better job of absorbing moisturizers.

Anxiety About Undressing Is Normal

Some people feel nervous about undressing completely for a massage. The key is to undress as much as you feel comfortable doing. Some people prefer to leave their underwear on, while others prefer to be totally nude.

The gluteal massage is an important part of a massage session. In fact, the glutes are a huge muscle that tend to require a bit of extra TLC. For this reason, you may have a better massage if you allow the therapist to massage this area.

Keep in mind that a massage therapist is educated and understand many facets about the human body. They will not be judging your body.

Show Up On Time

Like you, massage therapists have a busy schedule to follow. It is smart to show up ahead of schedule so that you can fill out any necessary paperwork as well.

Understand The Tipping Situation

Massage therapists typically do collect tips, and they also receive a percentage of the fee charged for the massage itself. The tip is typically 15 to 25 percent, similar to what you would tip a server at a restaurant.

Help Create A Comfortable Environment

First, make sure to turn off your phone before you come in. A massage is supposed to be relaxing, and it is difficult to relax when you hear the buzz of your phone receiving a text message.

Communicate Clearly

You must be upfront about your needs and medical issues when you come in for your massage. You can bring up any goals you have for the session. You should also bring up whether or not something is too sensitive, or if your massage therapist is using too much pressure.

Finally, don't forget to enjoy your massage. It's all about de-stressing and soaking in the moment. For more information, contact companies like Lansing Wellness Asian Body Works.
