Make Sure To Divulge This Information At The Start Of Your Massage

Transparency is highly important when you book a massage at a center like Wellness54. Just as your massage therapist will be transparent by sharing with you how he or she plans to treat whatever condition you want addressed, you should also share certain details about any health issues you may currently be dealing with. In many cases, this information will come up when you fill out your health history form at the start of the massage, but if you've gone to the same therapist in the past, you won't have to fill out this form each visit. Read More 

Homemade Massage Oil Ideas

If you and your partner frequently give each other massages at home, you can make the experience even more relaxing and enjoyable by making your own oil blends. Not only can you create your own customized oils, but they'll also most likely be less expensive than store-bought versions. To make the oil blends, you can use several different types of skin-moisturizing carrier oils, such as jojoba, olive, cold-pressed coconut, grapeseed, and sweet almond, as a nourishing base. Read More